Grace Baptist
Assimilation Ministry:
The Assimilation Ministry demonstrates a genuine interest in others and are able to communicate warmth and concern to those who are new to the church. They greet all newcomers at church services and events and help develop friendships between the newcomer and members of the church.
Bible Explorers Ministry:
The Bible Explorers Ministry is a vital component to the ministry for our children of Grace Baptist Church. Those who serve in this ministry have a heart for the children and parents they serve. The Bible Explorers Ministry has dedicated teachers to teach God’s Word and maintain a healthy environment for children
ages 4 through 12 th grade.
Evangelism Ministry:
The Evangelism Ministry demonstrates a heart for Christ, love for all people and to trust Christ. They work to motivate the congregation to actively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved and promote and support evangelistic endeavors within the city and around the world.
Finance Ministry:
Those serving in the Finance Ministry demonstrate integrity and honesty and have a working knowledge of sound business practices. They receive, count, and deposit all contributions. They also keep the congregation informed of the progress and needs of the church financially, and encourage members in
faithful Christian stewardship.
Missions Ministry:
The Missions Ministry demonstrates a burden for world-wide missions’ activity (home and abroad). This ministry seeks to provide information and raise the vision of the church regarding missions. They recommend personnel and support to the church through Grace’s missionary budget and make the arrangements for food and lodging for our visiting missionaries.
Nursery Ministry:
The Nursery Ministry is a vital ministry to the growth and development of Grace Baptist Church for ages newborn up to 4 years old. Those in this ministry have a heart for children and the parents they are serving and will take proper care of the children they are tending to.
Property Ministry:
The Property Ministry demonstrates a high degree of initiative, and attention to detail in the responsibility for the maintenance and management of all church property. Duties are the regular cleaning of the building, lawn care, snow removal and maintaining equipment.
Adult Sunday School Ministry:
This ministry is the main avenue for discipleship and exists to teach adults the Word of God using a variety of methods with a goal of them having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Worship Ministry:
This vital ministry coordinates all of the church music for Sunday services and special events. The development and appropriate use of drama and participation of the children and youth are encouraged through this ministry.
Cross the Line Student Ministry:
The Youth Ministry is for ministering to and demonstrating a lifestyle of Christian commitment and consistent growth in spiritual maturity to the middle and high school students.