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Grace Baptist Service Info


Celebration Service Time: 10:45AM – 12:00 PM


What to expect on Sunday:

We start off our Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM with Sunday School for all ages and study through 10:30AM.


We meet in the Church Auditorium for a time of greeting one another until 10:45AM. As we take our seats the Worship team begins the Sunday Service Celebration with Hymns and Worship songs in a time of honoring and singing to God.


The Children are dismissed at 11:15 AM to Bible Explorers for a time of catechism learning and interaction and discussing the basic tenants of Biblical doctrines. They will gain a greater understanding of the Good News of Jesus Christ to help them in their spiritual life and prepare them for the Church and service to the Lord.


From 11:15AM to 12:PM Adults receive a Good Word from the Pastor and encouragement for the week. We close in prayer and song and dismiss at noon.


We offer an Open Communion the first Sunday of every month and invite you, if you are a believer, to join us in the Communion service with our family at Grace Baptist Church.


Our members dress anywhere from casual to dress clothes and we welcome you to come as you are with modesty in mind appropriate to honor God. We care about you, not what you can offer.


Our giving is asked of members only, but we also want to allow visitors to honor God with joy if that has been placed on their hearts. 


We require no tithe or donation for attending Grace Baptist Church!

Our service is a gift to you.



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